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Standardy Medyczne Pediatria. Zasady publikacji i recenzji
Standardy Medyczne Pediatria is a bimonthly journal presenting current guidelines and standards of care, reports from the international journals of novelties in clinical practice, clinical discussions, reviewing both everyday clinical problems as well as developing and updating knowledge in areas where significant changes occur. The subject of the published articles are also discussions and the results of large research projects,
original works, and other publications in the field of law, psychology, cooperation with pharmaceutical industry and other areas related to medicine.
The journal is addressed to physicians specializing in pediatrics and neonatology, as well as other related areas: allergology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, pulmonology, nephrology, hepatology, vaccinology, dietetics, laryngology, genetics, cardiology, oncology, hematology, dentistry, surgery, psychiatry, psychology.
The authors of the articles are distinguished experts in the field of pediatrics and neonatology from Poland and abroad.
Articles are subjected to two independent reviews.
Standardy Medyczne Pediatria have been published since 1999.
The journal have a Digital Identifier: DOI:10.17443/SMP
Strona przeznaczona dla lekarzy i osób pracujących w ochronie zdrowia. Wchodząc tu, potwierdzasz, że jesteś osobą uprawnioną do przeglądania zawartych na tej stronie treści.